2024-01-01 00:38:33 -

2024-01-06 09:19:02 -

2024-01-22 11:03:35 -
外观颜值:款式三隔,东西可以很好分类, 材质手感:质量不错, 适用场合:什么场合都可以,单肩挎或者斜挎都可以

2024-01-14 20:55:48 -

2024-01-01 16:02:12 -
电脑还没回来电脑包先到了 很好

2024-01-11 23:32:00 -
试用了几天后!宝贝挺好的!很有耐心 挺不错呢, 客服很是积极 ,很好!

2024-01-14 16:05:45 -

2024-01-08 09:43:39 -

2024-01-05 10:00:14 -
👍好产品、好品质、好服务,宝贝确实值这个价钱,在这给商家点个赞👍 买了很多次了,就安可新的最划算,质量也很好,姨妈多星人必备好物

2024-01-23 11:04:03 -
包包收到迫不及待的打开看了,挺满意的!价格理想!!看起来很高档,东西质量很不错,产品描述和实物一致,质量很好,容量大,做工精细,比我想象中要好多了,值得拥有发货速度也快!!买的炒鸡划算, 好喜欢!物流也很给力,下次还会光顾,非常满意的一次购物,以后包包就这家了,物美价廉值得购买

[Personalized Name] Arizona Cactus House Garden Flag

Garden Flag

Add a bit of charm to your garden! These smaller-sized 12"x18" garden flags are an exciting and easy way to add some color and personalized flair to your home and outdoor space. It will be perfect when combined with outdoor display items like House Flag or Yard Sign.


  • Measures 12"x18".
  • 2.5" diameter sleeve opening.
  • Made from Heavy Canvas.
  • Single image printed on two sides.
  • Pole/stake not included.

House Flag

The 28"x40" double-sided house flag is perfect for adding color and personalized flair to your home and outdoor space. It will be perfect when combined with outdoor display items like Garden Flag or Yard Sign.


  • Measures 28"x40".
  • 3.5" diameter sleeve opening.
  • Can be installed on your house wall using a standard house flag pole (pole not included).
  • The loop tab at the top of the sleeve keeps the flag from sliding down.
  • Made from Heavy Canvas.
  • Double-sided dye-sublimation print is readable on both sides.


    Size - House Flag (28"x40"),Garden Flag (12"x18")

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